• Step 1
    ASU application details
  • Step 2
    Current and previous studies
  • Step 3
    Visa, finances and contact details
  • Step 4
    Documents and other information

Arizona State University Application Form

Resume Later

In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

ASU application details

UTM Parameters

Your ASU's degree application

Agent's contact details
After entering your contact details below, the rest of the application form is related to the student. Agents must answer on the applicant's behalf. However, only the applicant can sign the student declaration in Step 4.

Student's personal information
Enter your name and other personal details exactly as they appear on passports or other official documents

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

As shown in your passport

As shown in your passport

We are unable to process applications for US Citizens (This includes students with dual citizenship, US Green Card holders or students with refugee status in the USA). Please do not continue with this international application form and submit your application through ASU’s domestic admissions

Please note that your answer cannot exceed 30 characters.
Arizona State University study details

LLM Master of Laws
Please continue applying for this degree program through the College of Law application form.

The academic college selected does not match the program selected, please reselect the correct academic college.

The semester selected does not match the program and academic college selected, please reselect the correct semester.

The year selected does not match the program and academic college selected, please reselect the correct year.

The campus selected does not match the program and academic college selected, please reselect the correct campus.

Please ensure to submit application before this deadline (YYYY/MM/DD)

If your first-choice program has higher entry requirements, please select a second choice that has standard entry requirements. You can see a list of majors with higher entry requirements here. If you provide an invalid second choice, we will identify a second-choice major as close as possible to what you have selected.
Note that some graduate programs at ASU require a choice of specialization. See more information about programs with specialization requirements. Please do not hesitate to discuss this with your Admissions Advisor. 

Please note: not all ASU majors have guaranteed progression from the Pathways program. To see which programs are available, go to Global Launch's Degree tracks list.

If you do not find a preferred major in that list, select the option 'no' below and move forward with this application form. Please add a note in the questions and comments section to indicate which program you would like to progress to, after your pathway program, and your Kaplan advisor will contact you for further support.

Second Major Choice

Please ensure to submit application before this deadline (YYYY/MM/DD)

ASU Global Academy Study details
ASU Global Academy courses are all online courses. 

See https://www.asuprepglobalacademy.org/courses/ for high school course list or https://www.asuprepdigital.org/university-courses/ for a list of university courses available.

Current and previous studies

Current/previous studies
Enter all high schools that you have attended and qualifications you have earned. Note: you must have completed secondary education or equivalent to be considered for admission. If you have not yet received your qualification, please enter the anticipated degree and year of completion.
Enter all colleges and universities that you have attended and degrees you have earned. Note: you must have completed at least a bachelor's degree to be considered for admission. If you have not yet received your bachelor's degree, please enter the anticipated degree and year of completion.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces

If you have not yet completed your studies, please enter the anticipated date of completion.

The Grade Point Average is your average mark over all the course modules you take within your qualification.

A grading scale is a system or guide that provides an explanation of grades provided by an educational institution. The grading scale can vary from institution to institution and can be a percentage, letter grade, point scale, alphabetic scale or Pass/Fail scale.

Credits roughly represent the number of hours of learning that have been or need to be undertaken and may be represented in the transcript as Units, Hours or Credits. Each module may have a different number of credits. Please enter the total number of credits earned.

Please upload any Transcripts related to these studies being added.
Previous Institution Eligibility

Please explain why you are ineligible to return to the institution listed

Please explain why you are ineligible to return to the institution listed

Visa, finances and contact details

US studies and visas
Please note: we cannot assist with applications from US citizens, green card holders or others who can study in the USA without a visa. If you fit into one of these profiles, you will need to submit your application through ASU's domestic admissions.

We are unable to process applications for US Citizens (This includes students with dual citizenship, US Green Card holders or students with refugee status in the USA). Please do not continue with this international application form and submit your application through ASU’s domestic admissions

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces

Financial information
International students are required to certify that they have adequate resources to pay for the cost of tuition, fees, living expenses (room and board, books, supplies), and health insurance while enrolled with Arizona State University.

You must show proof of funding as per program requirements, before ASU can issue your I-20 document. You need an I-20 to apply for a student visa.

Student's contact details

If you have any previous affiliation with ASU, please provide a secondary email address

Should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

Should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

Address details

Mailing Address for Immigration Documents (must be sent to student or next of kin)

By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.
Emergency contact
In case of emergency, we would like to know who we can contact on your behalf.

Please enter this in numbers only and include the international dial code. By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp

Family information
In compliance with US visa regulations, international students must provide evidence of sufficient funds available for their studies and for the living costs of any family accompanying them to the USA.

Dependent Details

Second Dependent Details

Third Dependent Details

Documents and other information

Document Submission

Please Note: 

Kaplan will only submit your application to ASU when all requirements are met. We recommend uploading all documents now, because missing document will result in a delay to our assessment.

If there are any outstanding requirements, the Kaplan Admissions Team will let you know by email.
To apply for a graduate merit scholarship from the Thunderbird School of Management, please complete a scholarship request form.

GRE Section

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

GMAT Section

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

English Proficiency Section

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Previous Visa

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.


Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.
ACT Section

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.
SAT Section

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Many master's programs require applicants to submit contact details of academic/professional recommenders. Please tell us your recommenders' contact details.


Additional Documents

Additional information

A copy of this application will be sent to the agent's email address entered at the start of the form. If you would like a copy sent to another email address, please enter the email here.

The following item relates to your sensitive personal information which is necessary for your application, please tick the box below to give your explicit consent.

Character questions

255 characters maximum. If you need more space, please upload the statement as a file in the Document Upload section at the end of this application
To find out more about how we handle private information, please see our privacy policy.

If the student is with you, please also ask them to read and sign the student declaration below.

By entering my name into the text box and clicking submit application, I am hereby certifying and agreeing to the terms of the student declaration set out above.

If you are certifying and agreeing to the terms of the student declaration set out above and consenting to the processing of information on behalf of your child/ward, please provide details of your relationship with the child/ward.

You cannot apply for LLM Masters using this form, please view details on page 1.