• Step 1
    Application details
  • Step 2
    Contact details
  • Step 3
    Current and previous studies
  • Step 4
    Documents and other information
  • Step 5
    Declarations and consent

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University of Alberta Year One Foundation Program Application Form

Resume Later

In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
UTM Parameters

Kaplan International works in partnership with University of Alberta to provide international student application, admissions and on-campus support for the Year One Foundation Program.
University of Alberta Year One Foundation Program Application Form

Agent's contact details
After entering your contact details below, the rest of the application form is related to the student. Agents must answer on the applicant's behalf. However, only the applicant can sign the student declaration in Step 4.

Student's personal information
Enter your name and other personal details exactly as they appear on passports or other official documents

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

As shown in your passport

As shown in your passport

Emergency Contact
In case of emergency, we would like to know who we can contact on your behalf.

Should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

Should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

University of Alberta study details

The selected enrollment semester does not match the foundation course selected, please reselect the correct semester.

The selected academic year does not match the foundation course selected, please reselect the correct academic year.

Student contact information

Contact details

Should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

Should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.
Address details

Current and previous studies

Current/previous studies
Enter all high schools that you have attended and qualifications you have earned. Note: you must have completed secondary education or equivalent to be considered for admission. If you have not yet received your qualification, please enter the anticipated degree and year of completion.
Enter all colleges and universities that you have attended and degrees you have earned. Note: you must have completed at least a bachelor's degree to be considered for admission. If you have not yet received your bachelor's degree, please enter the anticipated degree and year of completion.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces

If you have not yet completed your studies, please enter the anticipated date of completion.

Please upload any Transcripts related to these studies being added.
Academic history declaration

You are required to state the names of all High school and post-secondary educational institutions where you have registered, regardless of length of attendance (including in-progress studies, withdrawals, incomplete and failed studies) and to provide the official transcripts.

Providing incomplete or incorrect information may jeopardize your application.

Documents and other information

Document Submission

English Proficiency Section

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.
Academic Transcripts

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

Additional Documents

Declarations and consent

Legal declarations
To find out more about how we handle private information, please see our privacy policy.
Notice of Collection

Kaplan will be collecting your personal information for the purpose of preparing and submitting your application for admission to the University of Alberta, which will be collecting your personal information for the purpose of providing educational services. This information is collected under s. 26(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions or concerns about how your personal information is handled, please contact U of A.
Applicant Declaration

I certify that the information in this application is true and complete in all respects and that I have withheld no information. I understand that the misrepresentation, falsification, or withholding of any requested information regarding this application are serious offences and may result in the cancellation of my application and prosecution under the University of Alberta's Codes of Behaviour and/or the Criminal Code of Canada. 

By this declaration I give my expressed consent to the disclosure of falsified information or misrepresentation to other post-secondary institutions.

I agree, if admitted to the University of Alberta, to comply with the University regulations as stated in the University of Alberta Calendar
Applicant Consent 

I consent to the disclosure of my personal information related to my application for admission to the University of Alberta, including my contact information, transcripts, educational history, disciplinary records, and the status of my application, for the purpose of preparing and submitting my application for admission and providing educational services, as follows: 

  • Disclosure from Kaplan to the University of Alberta
  • Disclosure from the University of Alberta to Kaplan; and
  • Disclosure from Kaplan and the University of Alberta to the individuals specified in this application

This consent is valid for a period of one year from the date on which it is submitted.
Protection of Privacy

The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of the Alberta Post‑Secondary Learning Act and the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for authorized purposes including admission and registration; administration of student records; consideration for scholarships and awards; and provision of student services. Personal information may be disclosed to academic and administrative units according to University policy; alumni relations and fundraising upon graduation; university planning and research in accordance with federal and provincial legislated reporting requirements; information sharing agreements; and to contracted service providers as required.

For further information on the use and disclosure of personal information, please visit the  University Calendar, the Information and Privacy Office, or contact the Office of the Registrar at uab.ca/ask

Agent Declaration

I declare that as the educational agent I have permission from the student to act on behalf of the student for their application. The student will comply with the student declaration below.

Consent for International Transfer under Art. 49(1)(a) of GDPR

I, student/agent, give my free and explicit consent to Kaplan International Pathways Canada Limited (“Kaplan”)  to transfer my personal information, including my name, contact information, transcripts, and program of interest the information I have provided in the application form to the University of Alberta (“U of A”) in Alberta Canada, for the purposes of administering my application for admission to a program of study at U of A. This consent is given under Article 49 of the GDPR:

Derogations for specific situations

1. In the absence of an adequacy decision pursuant to Article 45(3), or of appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46, including binding corporate rules, a transfer or a set of transfers of personal data to a third country or an international organisation shall take place only on one of the following conditions:

a. the data subject has explicitly consented to the proposed transfer, after having been informed of the possible risks of such transfers for the data subject due to the absence of an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards[.]

I understand that once my personal information is transferred to U of A, my personal information will be collected, secured, used, and disclosed by U of A in accordance with Alberta’s privacy legislation, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c.165 (“FIPPA”), and U of A’s Protection of Privacy Policy (GV0235) and associated procedures.

I understand that my privacy rights under the GDPR will not apply to my personal information in the custody and control of U of A. Under FIPPA, my privacy rights will include:

  • right to be informed of the reason for collecting my personal information;
  • right to access my personal information; and  
  • right to request correction of my personal information. 

I understand that I will not have the following privacy rights under FIPPA:

  • right to erasure/right to be forgotten;
  • right to opt-out of processing;
  • right to data portability; or
  • right to logic behind automated decision making. 

I understand the privacy risks associated with consenting to the transfer of my personal information to U of A. I understand that I may reach out to U of A to ask questions and understand my privacy rights related to my personal information held by U of A.

I understand that I have the right to decline signing this consent form; however, in such case I will not be able to apply for admission to a program of study at U of A through Kaplan.

I understand that this consent may only be revoked prior to the submission of my application to U of A (i.e., before U of A has collected my personal information).