• Step 1
    Application details
  • Step 2
    Contact details
  • Step 3
    Current and previous studies
  • Step 4
    Documents and other information
  • Step 5
    Declarations and consent

UVic Application UVic application for Admission

Resume Later

In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character

Application Details

UTM Parameters

University of Victoria partners with Kaplan International for the provision of application counselling and admissions support to international students. 
Your University Of Victoria Application 

Agent information
After entering your contact details below, the rest of the application form is related to the student. Agents must answer on the applicant's behalf. However, only the applicant can sign the student declaration.

Student Personal Information 
Provide details about your identity, language and citizenship.       
Legal names are shown on your birth certificate or passport (if you didn't legally change them later).

Date must be in "DD/MM/YYYY" format with forward slashes and no spaces.

If your birthday is not available in this field, please contact the institution's Admissions department directly regarding their policies for underage students.

Emergency contact
In case of emergency, we would like to know who we can contact on your behalf.

Please enter this in numbers only and include the international dial code. By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

Please enter this in numbers only and include the international dial code. By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

University of Victoria Study Details

You must complete three supplemental documents before Kaplan can review your Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) application.

Programme note

To be eligible for the Summer intake, you must have completed your high school qualification the year prior. If you are currently studying in high school, we advise you to select the next intake, or you may be moved during the assessment stage.

Specialization selection

If your program of choice has a specialisation, please add this in the box below. 

Please refer to https://www.uvic.ca/graduate/programs/graduate-programs/index.php to find out if your program has a specialisation

Contact details

Student contact information
Mailing address

Telephone numbers
 Mobile phone number
Primary telephone
Mobile Number should be Formatted as [+] [Country Code] [Subscriber number including area code] - Example +447979797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.
Additional telephone
Mobile Number should be Formatted as [+] [country code] [subscriber number including area code] - Example: +4479789797979 - By providing your phone number you agree to be contacted via telephone, SMS messaging and/or messaging apps, such as WhatsApp.

Current and Previous Studies

High schools and homeschools

If you are currently attending school, select your intended completion date.

If you are applying to a program that has high school completion as a entrance requirement, you must be able to produce proof of completion of a program that meets high school graduation requirements from a recognized jurisdiction and any program-specific course or minimum grade requirements.

Select the date you received the credential, or the expected date.
Current or previous post-secondary institutions

Add current or previous post-secondary institutions

Select the end date of the last term you attended this institution. If the date is not available, select the nearest possible date.

Indicate whether you have completed,or you expect to complete,an educational credential such as a certificate,diploma,or degree at this institution.

Select the qualification awarded or to be awarded from this institution.

Select the date you received the qualification, or the expected date.
Academic History Declaration


You are required to state the names of all High school and post-secondary educational institutions where you have registered, regardless of length of attendance (including in-progress studies, withdrawals, incomplete and failed studies) and to provide the official transcripts.


Providing incomplete or incorrect information may jeopardize your application.


For more information, including the penalties for failing to disclose registration at another post-secondary institution. Please review the following:

Requirement to disclose information for Undergraduate applicants, and

Requirement to disclose information for Graduate applicants.

By submitting this application, you are acknowledging the REQUIREMENT TO DISCLOSE INFORMATION stated above and understand the consequences of providing incomplete or incorrect information.

Documents and other information

Additional information

Please visit the following pages to determine if you have an accepted form of language proficiency. You are required to upload proof of your English language proficiency at the end of this application form

Undergraduate : https://www.uvic.ca/undergraduate/admissions/language-requirements/index.php


Graduate: https://www.uvic.ca/graduate/admissions/language-proficiency/

The University will not assess your application until you can demonstrate your English proficiency. If you still choose to submit this application, our applications team will get in touch with you to talk you through your options.

  • IELTS - 6.5. with no component less than 6.0
  • TOEFL - 90, with no section less than 20
  • Recognized equivalent from the page above.

Please upload your proof of English proficiency in the document upload section. Our Applications team will also be in touch with the options available to you after you submit your application. Depending on your choice of program, you may be eligible for conditional admission or an English Language Centre program prior to your selected program of choice.
Please upload your proof of English proficiency in the document upload section.
Document checklist and upload
Please note: Kaplan will not submit this application to UVic until we have received all your supporting documents. If there are any missing documents, you will receive an email from Kaplan's Admission Team to let you know

Please refer to your preferred UVic program webpage for the full list of supporting documents you'll need to upload. Note that if there is also a link to departmental pages, it's important to follow that to check for additional information on the documents you must provide.  

Search for undergraduate programs at:  


Search for graduate programs at: 


Temp Document Upload Section

Enter your video URL if you have chosen to create a video

Declarations and consent

Legal declarations

Notice of Collection


Kaplan will be collecting your personal information for the purpose of preparing and submitting your application for admission to the University of Victoria, which will be collecting your personal information for the purpose of providing educational services. This information is collected under s. 26(c) of the British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have any questions or concerns about how your personal information is handled, please contact privacyinfo@uvic.ca.

Applicant Declaration


I accept and submit myself to the statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, policies and procedures of the University of Victoria as authorized by the Senate and the Board of Governors and the faculty or school in which, in due course, I shall be registered and to any amendments thereto which may be made while I am an applicant or student of the University and I promise to observe the same. I consent and authorize the disclosure of any information to the University of Victoria by an educational institution for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and completeness of information provided as part of this process and I understand that an admission or registration granted on the basis of this application or supporting documents may be revoked if the information given is untrue in any material respect. I accept that the information on falsified documents is shared with the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada.

Applicant Consent 

I consent to the disclosure of my personal information related to my application for admission to the University of Victoria, including my contact information, transcripts, educational history, disciplinary records, and the status of my application, for the purpose of preparing and submitting my application for admission and providing educational services, as follows: 

  • Disclosure from Kaplan to the University of Victoria; 
  • Disclosure from the University of Victoria to Kaplan; and
  • Disclosure from Kaplan and the University of Victoria to the individuals specified in this application

This consent is valid for a period of one year from the date on which it is submitted.

Consent to share personal information

I understand that, in addition to a Letter of Acceptance/Study Permit Information Letter, I may be required to submit a Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) as part of my study permit application, and that the personal information contained on this application for admission to the University of Victoria, and/or on my PAL, may be shared with the Province of British Columbia’s Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills and the Department of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for operational and program evaluation purposes.

Consent for International Transfer under Art. 49(1)(a) of GDPR

I,  student/agent, give my free and explicit consent to Kaplan International Pathways Canada Limited (“Kaplan”)  to transfer my personal information, including my name, contact information, transcripts, and program of interest the information I have provided in the application form  to the University of Victoria (“UVic”) in British Columbia Canada, for the purposes of administering my application for admission to a program of study at UVic. This consent is given under Article 49 of the GDPR:

Derogations for specific situations

1. In the absence of an adequacy decision pursuant to Article 45(3), or of appropriate safeguards pursuant to Article 46, including binding corporate rules, a transfer or a set of transfers of personal data to a third country or an international organisation shall take place only on one of the following conditions:

a. the data subject has explicitly consented to the proposed transfer, after having been informed of the possible risks of such transfers for the data subject due to the absence of an adequacy decision and appropriate safeguards[.]

I understand that once my personal information is transferred to UVic, my personal information will be collected, secured, used, and disclosed by UVic in accordance with British Columbia’s privacy legislation, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSBC 1996, c.165 (“FIPPA”), and UVic’s Protection of Privacy Policy (GV0235) and associated procedures.

I understand that my privacy rights under the GDPR will not apply to my personal information in the custody and control of UVic. Under FIPPA, my privacy rights will include:

  • right to be informed of the reason for collecting my personal information;
  • right to access my personal information; and  
  • right to request correction of my personal information. 

I understand that I will not have the following privacy rights under FIPPA:

  • right to erasure/right to be forgotten;
  • right to opt-out of processing;
  • right to data portability; or
  • right to logic behind automated decision making. 

I understand the privacy risks associated with consenting to the transfer of my personal information to UVic. I understand that I may reach out to privacyinfo@uvic.ca to ask questions and understand my privacy rights related to my personal information held by UVic.

I understand that I have the right to decline signing this consent form; however, in such case I will not be able to apply for admission to a program of study at UVic through Kaplan.

I understand that this consent may only be revoked prior to the submission of my application to UVic (i.e., before UVic has collected my personal information).